PAIN OF SALVATION – RESTLESS BOY (Drum Playthrough by Léo Margarit)
PAIN OF SALVATION - RESTLESS BOY (Drum Playthrough by Léo Margarit) Taken from the album "PANTHER", out August 28th, 2020....
PAIN OF SALVATION - RESTLESS BOY (Drum Playthrough by Léo Margarit) Taken from the album "PANTHER", out August 28th, 2020....
Used Used is most likely the very first song I heard from Pain of Salvation, which was in a live...
Part 1 of Dirk Verbeuren's performance at the 2013 MEINL DRUM FESTIVAL in Gothenburg, Sweden. Dirk Verbeuren uses these MEINL...
Get 7% off your first year to sell unlimited songs/albums on iTunes, Google Play and more with DistroKid! only $19.99/yr:...
Normally, I give my drums a prominent place in the mix when editing, because I want the viewer to hear...
Marduk-live in Josefoff open air Festival. Jaroměř-Czech Republic 13.08.2021 BAND: Marduk DRUMMER: Simon BLOODHAMMER Schilling TRACK: Christraping Black Metal SUBSCRIBE:...
It has been a long time since I last did a cover of a song, but I'm finally back with...
At The Gates-live in Brutal Assault 2018 open air Festival. Jaroměř-Czech Republic 10.08.2018 BAND: At The Gates DRUMMER: Adrian Erlandsson...
Swedish progressive metallers OPETH have released a drum playthrough video of their new single, "§1", by drummer Waltteri Väyrynen. Check...
PAIN OF SALVATION - Nihil Morari (Drum Playthrough by Léo Margarit) “I played Nihil Morari for the first time...