Cult of Luna – Finland (Drum Cover)

Normally, I give my drums a prominent place in the mix when editing, because I want the viewer to hear every detail of my playing (or mistake). This drum video is a little bit of an exception to the rule.
Cult of Luna is one of my favourite bands of all time. Finland is a track from Somewhere Along the Highway, their best album and a post-metal masterpiece. I’ve seen the band perform the track twice: in 2013 at the Effenaar in Eindhoven and in 2016 at Roadburn with their special ”Somewhere Along the Highway”-set. They are an absolute force to be reckoned with live, accompanied by a spectacular light show.
The band is also known for their double drum setup, which is especially interesting to me. The two drummers combine subtlety and power seamlessly, this results in an extremely dynamic performance. What would happen if I became the third drummer in Cult of Luna? Watch this video and you will find out! I use elements from both drum parts and added some of my own.
For the mix, I tried to make sure my drums stand out a bit from the rest while still blending in with the other two drummers to create a huge sound. In my opinion, this turned out great. Enjoy!