GORGUTS Guitarist KEVIN HUFNAGEL Launches GoFundMe…

Yesterday, Gorguts and Dysrhythmia guitarist Kevin Hufnagel posted on Instagram that there had been a house fire in the building he lived in with his wife, Cath, on Sunday, December 15. He explains the situation in detail on Instagram, noting that it is believed that the fire was caused by an ebike his neighbor had in the basement.
Fortunately, Hufnagel, his wife and their two cats, plus their neighbors, were unharmed in the fire but extensive damage was caused to their possessions and the home they rent. As such, he has launched a GoFundMe to cover vet bills, lost work, damaged possessions and more.
The description for the GoFundMe reads:
“Thanks to those that have already reached out and offered to help. We are setting up this fundraiser up to help us with lost work, possessions, vet bills, food, gas, clothes, etc. due the horrific fire that started in the home we rented from. Anything is appreciated. Thank you all so much.
“For those that didn’t see my social media post. Here’s my account of what happened:
“This past Sunday Dec 15, 2024 my worst nightmare came to life. I (Kevin) woke up at 5:30am to the smell of gas. I ran downstairs and heard the basement smoke alarm going off. The tenant who lives in the basement was not home. I called him and he said his front door was unlocked. The second I tried to open his door I was blasted with black smoke and heat. I ran upstairs to my wife Cath and told her we had to leave the house immediately. We looked for our 2 cats but couldn’t find them. The fire was spreading and we had to act fast. Then there was a small explosion. I called 911. The fireman arrived within minutes (bless them). I couldn’t believe we didn’t get our cats in time. I had NEVER felt such _extreme_ hopelessness, anger, and despair in my life!! Nothing else in that house mattered to me but them! When the fire was out, I went back in. Eventually I found the kitty sisters hiding under the bed! I grabbed them and we took the two to the vet immediately. I’m happy to say they are recovering well! The cause of the fire was most likely the ebike our downstairs tenant was using. We are still waiting for the official report. DO NOT BUY THESE THINGS! I’m grateful for our neighbors who took us in, clothed us, and even let me store all my guitars in their basement. Amazingly, my guitars were fairly unscathed, as they were mostly in cases on the top floor. But the stench of soot and fire permeated them; and the wood is warped. Thanks to Jeff from Dysrhythmia, the first person I called. Jeff helped me pack and store some of the important things I was able to salvage. Overall, as they say, ‘It could’ve been worse.’ We’re all alive!”

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