Full Album Stream: Septaria –Astar


The pastoral opening passage of “Moment Présent,” from new French outfit Septaria’s debut album Astar, may not give the impression that this is in fact an extreme metal album, but rest assured it is. Mostly it’s filled with the kind of kind of post-metal explosives that see the band—Hugo Thevenot (guitar/vocals), Hugo Leydet (drums), Baptiste Trébuchon (bass), Maxime Ayasse (guitar/vocals)—go from quiet shoegazey moments to Gojira-esque poundage. It’s all about extreme dynamics, but done with precision and maximum impact, both emotional and stylistic. The quiet parts are whispery and the loud parts crushing. Sounds easier to pull off successfully than it is, but these four navigate the calm/stormy waters expertly.
Astar (or A*) was recorded at the Sonor Bank Studio, mixed by Séraphin Hoang and mastered by Nicolas Dick. It’s set for release on CD and digitally via Klonosphere Records and Season of Mist on November 15. Place your preorder here.
A little quote from the band about its debut:
“Astar is an invitation to look beyond oneself—not to escape, but to see in it the reflection of our condition. It encourages us to draw strength to confront our own reality. As we admire the cold beauty of a starry sky, we also contemplate the abysses of our minds.”
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