Cult of Luna “A Dawn to Fear” (SHORT FILM)

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“The narrative for the “A Dawn to Fear” short film was written as a continuous story spread out over two songs (“Lay Your Head to Rest” and “The Silent Man”). Because of the hard work that was put in by numerous people it deserves to be viewed in it’s intended form. That is why I’m excited that it’s finally available as the 18 min piece it was written as.” – Johannes Persson
“A Dawn to Fear”
Man: Jimmy Lindström
Woman: Tove Skeidsvoll
Grieving man: Magnus af Sandeberg
Dead man: Teodor Abréu
Mother: Margareta Olson
Boy: Bruno Lindberg
Girl: Isabella Manniche
Written and directed by Johannes Persson
Producer: Isak Lindberg
Production coordinator: Erik Lundqvist
DoP: Viktor Skogqvist
Editor: Shook / Daniel Ljunggren Lundström
Online /VFX: Shook / Viktor Tegréus
Colorist: Nanna Dalunde
Focus puller: Hugo Nilsson & Jesper Wahlqvist
Gaffer: Carl Dahllöf, Peter Övgård & Alexander Kalmér
Steadicam op: Nestor Salazar & Morgan Gustafsson
Underwater camera op: Eric Börjesson
Diver: Tobias Häggstrand
Set design: Henrik Svensson
Set design assistant: Martin Jofs Alfredson
Make up artist: Miranda Wehlin
Costume design: Sarah Niklasson
Stund cord: Kimmor Rajala
Stunt: Janne Lindqvist
Sound Mix: Mikael Lundh
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