GOD FORBID’s DOC COYLE & BYRON DAVIS Discuss Playing Gone Forever At Metal Injection Festival 2024

God Forbid is one of the many fantastic bands set for Metal Injection Festival 2024 (tickets here), happening September 20 and 21 at the Brooklyn Monarch and Meadows in Brooklyn, NY.
God Forbid will celebrate 20 years of their record Gone Forever at the festival, meaning the band is gonna have to dig deep and play some songs they haven’t in a while… but they have played them all.
“We’ve played every single one of those songs live, so it’s not that big of a stretch to play all of them,” said God Forbid guitarist Doc Coyle. “Same thing with Constitution Of Treason – those two albums are our most popular ones and they’re built to be played live. It’s been 20 years and these are albums that people really care about.”
“We were a band that was always a little insecure with our place in the metal world. A lot of times we didn’t feel that successful – it was always very up and down. To have these moments like playing Gone Forever is something special.”
So which songs is Coyle looking forward to playing the most? Well, there are two you definitely know and one you might not (if they get to it). “‘Judge The Blood’ was always one of my favorite songs. ‘Soul Engraved’ is one that we haven’t played in a really long time, too. It’s a heavy ass groove metal song. There’s also a B-side called ‘Allegiance’ that I think we’re gonna try to play.”
God Forbid vocalist Byron Davis shared Coyle‘s excitement, noting that genres come and go, but truly kickass music is forever.
“We’re excited to play the whole record. It’s a milestone in and of itself,” said Davis. “Twenty year later and people still have an affinity for it, so we wanna give the people what we want.”
He continued: “Genres go in cycles, What’s old becomes new and what’s new becomes old. Right now the window is metalcore and that whole wave. But real music touches you no matter when it was made – real recognizes real.”
When asked what song he’s particularly looking forward to playing, Davis said he’s excited for it all. “I’m excited for the whole record. It’s a milestone in and of itself for us. Twenty years later and people still have an affinity for that record. Give the people what they want.”
Get your tickets to Metal Injection Festival 2024 right here.

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