Blast Worship: Pavel Chekov – Decibel Magazine


Where they from?
Dallas, TX. Last Thursday the New York Rangers advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals and for the first time in my adult life it dawned on me that one of my favorite sports teams has a very realistic chance of winning a championship. This is an incredibly foreign feeling for me and, to be honest, I’m not quite sure what to do with it. What do I do if they win? Throw a party? Go out into the street? Eat horse shit off the sidewalk? The possibilities are truly endless.
Why the hype?
Well, well, well….THEY’RE ALIVE! Well, sort of. The much-beloved Dallas trio is back from the dead with their first release in six years. Technically all of the material on latest blasterpiece Multipolar Emergence was recorded in 2017, but we don’t wanna split hairs here, what’s important is Pavel Chekov is back! If you like muddy, dirt-covered grindviolence in the same vein as Triac, then you need to check this shit the fuck out. Also, the drummer plays really heckin’ fast. I know I say that a lot here as a joke, but it’s really true for these guys. Some of those blast beats are UNREAL.
Latest Release?
Multipolar Emergence, self-released. Man, I really hate when I blow my load describing the album in the first paragraph of these things and then struggle with shit to say here. I mean, what more do you need to know? It’s a powerviolence band from Texas named after a Star Trek character, you’re either gonna dig the shit out of it or you’re a nerd. It’s just that simple, baybeeeeeeee.
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