Ex-Bad Wolves Vocalist Tommy Vext Arrested In Ariz…

Ex-Bad Wolves vocalist Tommy Vext (aka Tommy Cummings) was arrested this past Saturday, March 11th. Per an arrest record, the incident took place in Gila County, AZ. The 42-year-old musician was charged with ‘threatening or intimidating / physical injury or property Damage.’ Taking to Instagram live on social media this afternoon (May 16th) after word of the arrest began to circulate, Vext and his significant other explained the incident.
According to Vext, the father of his girlfriend was being physically and verbally abusive towards her and Vext showed up to stop the situation. At one point in the video discussion, Vext frankly summed up the incident as, “my girlfriend was violently assaulted, and I showed up.”
According to Vext, the police informed him that his arrest was largely a formality and that he was held in custody for roughly an hour before being released. Vext at one point teared up in the livestreamed video explaining the situation, apologizing to his significant other, who was sat beside him, for not being there sooner.
Back in 2020, Vext himself was sued for domestic violence by a former girlfriend. Vext publicly described that situation an elaborate “extortion attempt”. That civil suit was ultimately resolved in court, with Vext claiming of the verdict, which saw him slapped with a two-year domestic violence restraining order and ordered to pay $97,500 in legal fees for his accuser, that the residing judge was, “was kind enough to publicly exonerated me in his ruling of any physical abuse accusations made by someone with a personal vendetta.”
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