Album Premiere: Red Rot – “Borders of Mania”


Photo courtesy of the band
Red Rot, the project of Luciano Lorusso George and Davide Tiso, formerly of Ephel Duath, present their sophomore record, Borders of Mania, a day before it releases to the world via Hammerheart Records. You can stream it here!
Their press release explains: “Red Rot is a physical band, it attacks you right on the gut once you push play. When Luciano and Davide decided to start the band, they had this big raw sound in mind: Red Rot’s essence was alive even before the songs were written. Roaring guitars attacking the listener like a bag of bricks, natural sounding extreme metal drums, a heavy rounded bass linking guitars and drums and a voice that punishes like a crazy sermon playing on a loop in your head. Red Rot has also a broken, masculine sense of doom. It’s almost funerary. It’s the kind darkness that is palpable and right in your face. Almost unequivocal.”
The record blends death metal and doom to create something melodic but also crushing in a way that doesn’t hold back on the experimental elements or multi-faceted approach to music. This is definitely going to be a record that impacts multiple scenes as it makes its way into the world.
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