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Fear of action isn’t improving.
There’s just a wish.
Faceless monster pulls back. It’s awful.
Awesome silence inside you.
World outside is a broken mirror
When you try run away,
What do you feel inside
Feared by faceless terror?
When you hear his steps
You know you will die.
Just be a strong
All that you want is alive.
Remains of the soul is a dream in the mind.
Feeling despair you can’t create life.
Harmless externally, monster in hearth.
Don’t admit it inside – it will tear you apart.
Don’t come to it.
Angel’s face is a mask.
The dire desperation will eat you fast.
World outside is a broken mirror
When you try run away,
What do you feel inside
Feared by faceless terror?
When you hear his steps
You know you will die.
Just be a strong
All that you want is alive.
Remains of the soul is a dream in the mind.
Feeling despair you can’t create life.
Harmless externally, monster in hearth.
Don’t admit it inside – it will tear you apart.
Faceless monster.
Faceless monster.
Fear of action isn’t improving.
Go forward, dropping fears
Faceless monster wants to obtain you
Be strong! Go for the win!